connors934: Colin Miller at Pembroke High School
connors934: Gadgeteer Test camera
connors934: basic kit of hardware
connors934: rotary and led build
connors934: basic kit parts
connors934: Gadgeteer basic kit parts
connors934: Gadgeteer intro hardware
connors934: basic parts inventory for envelope
connors934: IMG_20110218_101059
connors934: IMG_20110218_114242
connors934: Coding for Gadgeteer
connors934: IMG_20110218_122500
connors934: IMG_20110218_125936
connors934: IMG_20110218_133457
connors934: Rotary Encoder circuit and build - working
connors934: Color LED code
connors934: Display Temperature code
connors934: Blinking Light Gadgeteer code
connors934: IMG_20110213_145316