connors934: PC181272
connors934: Neil Young shirt
connors934: PC181257
connors934: Noo Noo shirt and outline
connors934: It's the Noo Noo!
connors934: Noo Noo shirt
connors934: Penguin shirt
connors934: Stencil and shirt
connors934: printed screen
connors934: ink cleanup
connors934: cleaning the squeegee
connors934: screened chalice
connors934: Thin print - Chalice
connors934: DSCN3211
connors934: vinyl screen printed shirt
connors934: screen removed
connors934: Removing screen from shirt
connors934: Filled screen
connors934: Printing
connors934: Squeegee
connors934: Set ink
connors934: DSCN3202
connors934: DSCN3201
connors934: Ready for ink
connors934: DSCN3198
connors934: Assembly of stuff
connors934: DSCN3196
connors934: DSCN3195
connors934: DSCN3194
connors934: DSCN3193