CeeJay: Heather and Nicole
CeeJay: Holly and Nicole
CeeJay: Hi hi hi!
CeeJay: Nicole and me
CeeJay: Eddie and Susann
CeeJay: Group shot at Guster (4/6)
CeeJay: Spotlights
CeeJay: Barrel of a Gun
CeeJay: Blue man
CeeJay: Good, good Guster
CeeJay: Adam and Ryan laugh
CeeJay: Holly loves Guster
CeeJay: Big crowd
CeeJay: S'up, Reflective Jacket, Guy?
CeeJay: Beautiful night
CeeJay: The Thundergod sings!
CeeJay: Holly-aoke
CeeJay: Good ol' boys
CeeJay: Chorus of angels
CeeJay: Moody blues
CeeJay: Satisfied smile
CeeJay: Nicole croons
CeeJay: Karaoke Badass
CeeJay: Holly in action
CeeJay: Great food and porn talk