connave: Seven Seas Cruise Ship
connave: Steamclock
connave: Water Street Cafe
connave: Chill Winston Restaurant
connave: Flatiron in Gastown, Vancouver
connave: Canada Place
connave: Guess where this was taken
connave: Canada Place
connave: Cranes in Vancouver
connave: Burrard Beaver Seabus
connave: Float plane
connave: Revolving restaurant
connave: Lots of apartments in Vancouver
connave: Ah yes, the ol' gritty wedding portrait
connave: Winter Olympics countdown
connave: Downtown Vancouver
connave: Peter and Brett enjoying the day
connave: Apartment building
connave: Sunset Beach across from Granville Island
connave: On the way to Victoria
connave: Butchart Gardens entrance
connave: An overlook in Butchart Gardens
connave: Weeping Willow
connave: Ross Fountain
connave: Harbour Air seaplane
connave: Water taxi
connave: Apartments and boats
connave: Building the picture
connave: Whale watching
connave: BC Ferries