gabig58: Romantic statue in Hilton's courtyard
gabig58: The conference logo
gabig58: At TU Munich, for workshops and tutorials
gabig58: Talking to peers
gabig58: He's from Dublin!
gabig58: Kate Ehrlich and Peppo Valletto at the SNA tutorial
gabig58: TU lobby
gabig58: DSCN2861
gabig58: TU Munich
gabig58: Ratskeller
gabig58: Dessert arrived!
gabig58: DSCN2894
gabig58: DSCN2893
gabig58: DSCN2892
gabig58: Afternoon event for students
gabig58: Afternoon event for students
gabig58: Afternoon event for students
gabig58: Poster session
gabig58: Coffee break
gabig58: Marilyn Tremaine and Kate Ehrlich standing by their poster
gabig58: DSCN2876
gabig58: DSCN2909
gabig58: DSCN2905
gabig58: DSCN2907