gabig58: Mark and Lena's mill
gabig58: The pond
gabig58: The terrace
gabig58: Photographing each other over the pond
gabig58: The barn
gabig58: The pond
gabig58: and its inhabitants!
gabig58: The beautiful pond
gabig58: Inside the mill
gabig58: Mark giving us the grand tour
gabig58: A place with special light
gabig58: The old mechanism
gabig58: The small house
gabig58: The shed
gabig58: A beautiful fireplace
gabig58: The stairs
gabig58: The house
gabig58: its front garden
gabig58: and Mark showing us around
gabig58: The river
gabig58: The meadow
gabig58: and the friendly RFID'd cows!
gabig58: DSCN2422
gabig58: DSCN2420
gabig58: Octavian talking to Lena and Mark
gabig58: Me and a famous fisherman's wife
gabig58: Old church in Malmoe
gabig58: DSCN2413
gabig58: DSCN2411
gabig58: DSCN2410