confabevents: Enjoying some Confab cake
confabevents: Cake and conversation at Confab
confabevents: Discussing conference takeaways over cake
confabevents: Cake + takeaways = cakeaways
confabevents: "Cakeaways" at the end of the conference
confabevents: Enjoying some cake and conversation at the end of the conference
confabevents: Conversations at the end of Confab
confabevents: Speaker Ravi Jain REALLY enjoying some Confab cake
confabevents: Making connections over cake
confabevents: Attendees enjoying some cake at the end of the conference
confabevents: Some of the Confab 2019 lightning talk speakers and host
confabevents: Confab's fearless leader, Kristina Halvorson, and some friends
confabevents: Aviva Oskow and Malaika Carpenter
confabevents: Marchaé Grair
confabevents: Margot Bloomstein and Kerry-Anne Gilowey
confabevents: Margot Bloomstein and Scott Kubie
confabevents: Tenessa Gemelke and Meghan Casey
confabevents: Margot Bloomstein and Kristina Halvorson
confabevents: Thanks to LinkedIn for sponsoring the best karaoke party ever!
confabevents: Attendees chatting during the coffee break
confabevents: Attendees chatting during the coffee break
confabevents: Attendees and speakers chatting during the afternoon break
confabevents: Attendees chatting during the afternoon break
confabevents: A change of perspective
confabevents: Kristina Halvorson and Erika Hall
confabevents: Confab is a great place to make new industry friends
confabevents: Magers & Quinn Booksellers at Confab
confabevents: DSCF0530
confabevents: DSCF0526
confabevents: DSCF0511