Jazzy Traveller:
Kalle Kalima at Just Music 2013 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Kalle Kalima with Oliver Potratz
Jazzy Traveller:
Peter Brötzmann at Just Music 2013 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Michael Griener
Jazzy Traveller:
Erwin Dietzner
Jazzy Traveller:
Patrick Braun (Saxophonist in the Band "Potsa Lotsa"
Jazzy Traveller:
Tom Arthurs
Jazzy Traveller:
Marc Schmolling
Jazzy Traveller:
Almut Kühne
Jazzy Traveller:
Martin Brandlmayr
Jazzy Traveller:
Marc Smolling
Jazzy Traveller:
Almut Kühne
Jazzy Traveller:
Almut Kühne
Jazzy Traveller:
Almut Kühne
Jazzy Traveller:
Leonhard Huhn (Altsaxophone) and Stefan Schönegg - Just Music Festival 2017 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Agusti Fernandez (Piano) -Just Music Festival 2017 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Agusti Fernandez (Piano) -Just Music Festival 2017 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
All Included: Jon Rune Strom (Bass), Martin Küchen (Saxophone), Thomas Johansson (Trumpet), Tollof =stvang (Drums) and Mats Älekint (Trombone) -J ust Music Festival 2017 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Martin Küchen (Saxophone) - Just Music Festival 2017 in Wiesbaden
Jazzy Traveller:
Heinz Sauer - Tenorsaxophone
Jazzy Traveller:
Uwe Oberg (Piano) listening to Heinz Sauer
Jazzy Traveller:
Ulrike Brand - Cello
Jazzy Traveller:
Eve Risser - Composition, Piano, Bandleader
Jazzy Traveller:
Christian Lillinger
Jazzy Traveller:
Kaja Draksler
Jazzy Traveller:
Trio Christian Weber - Ellery Eskelin - Michael Griener
Jazzy Traveller:
Heinz Sauer - Tenorsaxophone
Jazzy Traveller:
Christian Weber
Jazzy Traveller:
Christian Weber and Ellery Eskelin
Jazzy Traveller:
Trio Christian Weber - Ellery Eskelin - Michael Griener