conception@work: 07/09 - Thumbs up!
conception@work: 08/09 - Need some sleep
conception@work: 09/09 - Pray
conception@work: 10/09 - Unknowing sleep
conception@work: 11/09 - Frustrated
conception@work: 12/09 - Connected
conception@work: 13/09 - Perception
conception@work: 14/09 - Fresh
conception@work: 15/09 - IronMan
conception@work: 16/09 -iMeya
conception@work: 17/09 - Freakout!
conception@work: 18/09 - Smooth
conception@work: 19/09 - Smiling
conception@work: 20/09 - Bright!
conception@work: 21/09 - Halfway
conception@work: 22/09 - Flakey
conception@work: 23/09 - Sleepy
conception@work: 24/09 - Getting on
conception@work: 25/09 - Sun and shade
conception@work: 26/09 - Dressed!
conception@work: 27/09 - (Con)fidence
conception@work: 28/09 - Focussed
conception@work: 29/09 - Autumn
conception@work: 30/09 - Peeking into the future
conception@work: 01/10 - I am here
conception@work: 02/10 - Thinking
conception@work: 03/10 - Immersed
conception@work: 04/10 - Tired
conception@work: 05/10 - Looking back
conception@work: 06/10 - Smiling tata