conall..: Look who won first prize! {explored}
conall..: Broad bean glut
conall..: artichokescape!{explored}
conall..: blackcurrantscape
conall..: Chitting potatoes {explored}
conall..: A selection of winter veg pictures- Savoy
conall..: the very last of the gardeners delight
conall..: friggitelli peppers ready to cook
conall..: brambles (black berries)
conall..: Blackcurrant jelly cooling
conall..: bramble time!
conall..: first new potatoes of 2012 {explored}
conall..: Cress forrest.
conall..: swede
conall..: Spring cabbage
conall..: Maple Roast parsnips....and some other christmas dinner things
conall..: Big boiled caterpillar
conall..: Yellow autumn fruiting raspberries “Autumn Gold”
conall..: tomatoes
conall..: peppers
conall..: Various Jars of Jam including mixed hedgerow jelly
conall..: Autumn Fruiting Raspberries
conall..: Sloes, damsons, hips and haws
conall..: field mushroom
conall..: tomatoes
conall..: Parsley- loads of it
conall..: Jalapeño (in the greenhouse)
conall..: sloes
conall..: Discovery
conall..: Allington pippin