Comtesse DeSpair: Porcelain Altar
Comtesse DeSpair: There Is No Stairway To Heaven
Comtesse DeSpair: And Keep It
Comtesse DeSpair: The Stairway To Heaven Has No Railings
Comtesse DeSpair: Dusty Pews
Comtesse DeSpair: Dusty, Holy, Books
Comtesse DeSpair: The Gathering
Comtesse DeSpair: Angel With Dirty Wings
Comtesse DeSpair: Moldy Books
Comtesse DeSpair: "he attacked his people"
Comtesse DeSpair: Krell Auto Grand
Comtesse DeSpair: But It Hasn't Worked Out For Me
Comtesse DeSpair: The Same Old Song
Comtesse DeSpair: Neglected Beauty
Comtesse DeSpair: La Toilette
Comtesse DeSpair: Faith and Justification
Comtesse DeSpair: Heavenly Bench
Comtesse DeSpair: Inquisition Chair
Comtesse DeSpair: Pious Couple
Comtesse DeSpair: Self-portrait In Arcane Grime
Comtesse DeSpair: The Invisible Player
Comtesse DeSpair: The Unplayed Melody