Commonwealth Secretariat:
Mozambique Elections 2009 COG Chair with President of NEC
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Mozambique National and Provincial Elections 2009
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Mozambique National and Provincial Elections 2009
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Mozambique National and Provincial Elections 2009
Commonwealth Secretariat:
COG team plus staff
Commonwealth Secretariat:
COG team
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Dr Kabbah at press conference
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Pre election press conference Maputo
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Observers' briefing
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Voters Boane
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Young Voters
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Voters Namaacha
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Voters Namaacha3
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Dr Kabbah watches a voter in Boane
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Dr Kabbah voter 2
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Mateus voting in Maputo
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Polling station Namaachi
Commonwealth Secretariat:
End of queue
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Polana voting station, Maputo
Commonwealth Secretariat:
Voting papers, polana, Maputo
Commonwealth Secretariat: