JsonStone: Journey looking happy
JsonStone: Journey in sepia
JsonStone: Journey posing for the camera
JsonStone: squinty eyed
JsonStone: Journey the Ewok
JsonStone: did you say rope?
JsonStone: Journey struttin his stuff
JsonStone: Journey and Hurley chillin on the couch
JsonStone: Journey on the Couch
JsonStone: Journey the Shorky - puppy eyes
JsonStone: Journey and Hurley scoping me out
JsonStone: dog bokeh
JsonStone: locked on target
JsonStone: puppies snuggling
JsonStone: _20090103_00010
JsonStone: dogs spooning
JsonStone: Hurley and Journey sleeping
JsonStone: dogs sleeping
JsonStone: snuggle buddies
JsonStone: stop buggin me
JsonStone: beg up!
JsonStone: pound it
JsonStone: wazzap?!
JsonStone: Hurley tugging on Journey's bow
JsonStone: _20081225_00006-2
JsonStone: _20081225_00007-2
JsonStone: _20081225_00026
JsonStone: _20081225_00005-2
JsonStone: dance dance eat...
JsonStone: _20081225_00003-2