Neil McIntosh: Al's startled
Neil McIntosh: James waves a cheery hello
Neil McIntosh: The meerkats....
Neil McIntosh: Al and the meerkats (2)
Neil McIntosh: Al meets the meerkats
Neil McIntosh: Boys painting their piggy banks
Neil McIntosh: James painting his pig
Neil McIntosh: Mummy joins in
Neil McIntosh: All aboard!
Neil McIntosh: Boys on the bus
Neil McIntosh: Al on the bus
Neil McIntosh: Al and the digger
Neil McIntosh: Al on the digger
Neil McIntosh: James, Al and Thomas
Neil McIntosh: Al listens to the llama briefing
Neil McIntosh: Meeting the llamas
Neil McIntosh: Meet the Llamas
Neil McIntosh: Brighton beach
Neil McIntosh: Playing around...
Neil McIntosh: James and the pigeon
Neil McIntosh: Scream if you want to go faster
Neil McIntosh: MV Balmoral goes back down the Thames
Neil McIntosh: MV Balmoral on the Thames
Neil McIntosh: James enjoys the train too
Neil McIntosh: Watching the seagulls
Neil McIntosh: Ice cream on Bognor Regis beach