Neil McIntosh: Tilbury flood gate
Neil McIntosh: Waverley approaches
Neil McIntosh: The Thames barrier
Neil McIntosh: Approaching Tower Bridge
Neil McIntosh: Mum and dad
Neil McIntosh: Tower Bridge opens up
Neil McIntosh: Engines
Neil McIntosh: Engines
Neil McIntosh: Moving bits
Neil McIntosh: Pistons
Neil McIntosh: Engineer in his lair
Neil McIntosh: More dials
Neil McIntosh: Old dials
Neil McIntosh: Controls
Neil McIntosh: Floor textures
Neil McIntosh: No admittance
Neil McIntosh: Mind your head
Neil McIntosh: Telegraph in focus
Neil McIntosh: Engineer's dials
Neil McIntosh: Dials and photographs
Neil McIntosh: Bow, and the QE2 bridge
Neil McIntosh: This vessel...
Neil McIntosh: Waverley for...