South Australian History Network: Learning methods of recovery
South Australian History Network: Using Reemay to lift up flat textiles
South Australian History Network: Lifting a flat textile using Reemay
South Australian History Network: Draining after lifting
South Australian History Network: Drying waterlogged CDs or DVDs
South Australian History Network: Drying waterlogged CDs or DVDs
South Australian History Network: Drying waterlogged mixed material objects
South Australian History Network: Lifting waterlogged book onto work station using Reemay
South Australian History Network: Interleaving a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Interleaving a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Standing up interleaved book
South Australian History Network: Removing waterlogged items
South Australian History Network: Removing a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Removing a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Removing a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Interleaving waterlogged books
South Australian History Network: Making a wind tunnel to air dry waterlogged books
South Australian History Network: Making a wind tunnel to air dry waterlogged books
South Australian History Network: Removing a waterlogged book
South Australian History Network: Removing waterlogged items
South Australian History Network: Removing waterlogged items
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Pegging up film and slides to air dry
South Australian History Network: Drying waterlogged vellum