commongroundct: Graciela Agiurre, Common Ground parent
commongroundct: Community out in force
commongroundct: Standing room only
commongroundct: Rosana Anoh, French Teacher
commongroundct: Diane Brown, CG Parent, and Miriam Sheffield, Student Affairs
commongroundct: Liz Cox, School Director
commongroundct: David Edgeworth, Biology
commongroundct: Gammy Moses, Solar Youth
commongroundct: Garth Harries, New Haven Superintendent, offers testimony
commongroundct: Brian Kelahan, Social Studies Teacher
commongroundct: Fiona, sophomore, shakes hands with Mike Kent, State Department of Education
commongroundct: Keith Lambert, English Teacher and Miranda Bailey, CG '14
commongroundct: Oliver Barton, Hartford Public Schools & Common Ground families
commongroundct: Parents listen to testimony
commongroundct: Stephanie, senoir, testifies
commongroundct: students
commongroundct: Thad, sophomore, testifies
commongroundct: Nate, senior, testifies