commongroundct: Loving Carrots
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Winterfest at Common Ground!
commongroundct: WeAreAFamily
commongroundct: Akiima Price, Environmental Leader in Residence
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Children's Garden
commongroundct: IMG_2908
commongroundct: Teaching Garden
commongroundct: planting seeds - changing lives - growing leaders - option 2
commongroundct: Urban Refuge Designation Ceremony - August 2014
commongroundct: High School
commongroundct: Board Chair
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Ground Breaking Celebration
commongroundct: Ground Breaking Celebration
commongroundct: Biodiversity Monitoring at the West River and Beaver Ponds
commongroundct: Urban Refuge Designation Ceremony - August 2014
commongroundct: Common Ground's 2014 Graduation
commongroundct: Wetland Planting at Common Ground
commongroundct: Tricia Johnson, Science Teacher (1st choice)
commongroundct: Photo By: Melvin Morales
commongroundct: Photo By: Melvin Morales
commongroundct: water quality monitoring
commongroundct: 968822_10152990500235720_2000355922_n