commongroundct: Ecology Campers climbed up West Rock
commongroundct: During choice time one camper chose to visit with the sheep
commongroundct: Veggie sushi made with fresh vegetables bought at the farmers market!
commongroundct: A camper shows how excited she is to have made it to Judge's Cave!
commongroundct: The sprouts made paint butterflies by using the bottoms of their feet!
commongroundct: Farmhouse - Ecocampers pose after a day filled of fun!
commongroundct: Rangers got to pick (and taste) blueberries from the farm.
commongroundct: Cooking Campers took a moment to relax in the shade
commongroundct: Animal Campers looked through books together
commongroundct: Animal Adventures campers got their faces painted to look like butterflies!
commongroundct: During choice time campers and counselors fooled around in the mud!
commongroundct: Ecocampers found shade at Judge's Cave
commongroundct: Campers found some zen at Amhryn Field
commongroundct: Campers enjoy the view of New Haven
commongroundct: Campers have fun on one of their daily hikes!
commongroundct: During choice time one camper decided to make a mud pie
commongroundct: Animal Camp took kids to fish in the lake in West Rock State Park using fishing poles they made at camp!
commongroundct: Ecocampers vs Sprouts was a fun match-up of kickball!
commongroundct: Campers have some fun while cooling off during a water fight
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