commongroundct: New Haven Urban Refuge Project
commongroundct: Photo By: Mel Morales
commongroundct: Close Study
commongroundct: MEL_9863
commongroundct: CGStudents
commongroundct: 2919603426_813e0504da_b
commongroundct: Drinkable Fruits at Work
commongroundct: DSC_2356
commongroundct: pecha-kucha-B
commongroundct: Adventure Club
commongroundct: DSC_8297
commongroundct: The Psychiatrist
commongroundct: Change Lives Option 2
commongroundct: Common Ground's New Learning & Leadership Center
commongroundct: DSC_0103
commongroundct: Grow Leaders
commongroundct: Shakespeare Acting Residency
commongroundct: pecha-kucha-C
commongroundct: Dave Edgeworth & Students
commongroundct: young-man
commongroundct: liz with students
commongroundct: DSC_2422
commongroundct: Keke and Pals HD
commongroundct: RDB_1360
commongroundct: Keke and Pals HD
commongroundct: Photo By: Mel Morales