commongroundct: Common Ground's New Learning & Leadership Center
commongroundct: DSC_8306
commongroundct: Change Lives Option 2
commongroundct: pecha-kucha-G
commongroundct: pecha-kucha-C
commongroundct: DSC_7121
commongroundct: 2919603426_813e0504da_b
commongroundct: The Psychiatrist
commongroundct: CGStudents
commongroundct: DSC_0103
commongroundct: Shakespeare Acting Residency
commongroundct: Canoeing
commongroundct: Grow Leaders
commongroundct: Alexandro Meran is one of the Conservancy's LEAF program participants. He attends Common Ground, a charter high school in New Haven, Connecticut.
commongroundct: Lanissa Gardner is one of the Conservancy's LEAF program participants. She attends Common Ground, a charter high school in New Haven, Connecticut.
commongroundct: DSC_2733
commongroundct: AAA_0291
commongroundct: Serious Learning
commongroundct: Terrance, Amber, and Mayor Destefano