commongroundct: The CT Folk Board Band at Edgewood Park
commongroundct: The crowd at Edgewood
commongroundct: On the Road
commongroundct: On the Road
commongroundct: On the Road
commongroundct: On the Road
commongroundct: Leaving Common Ground
commongroundct: Lining Up for the Start
commongroundct: Lining Up for the Start
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Our 20-mile riders leave Common Ground
commongroundct: Rock to Rock 2011
commongroundct: Kate Callahan playing at East Rock
commongroundct: Thanks to Elm City Market!
commongroundct: Go Solar Youth! Joanne and Candace
commongroundct: Kids Playing at East Rock
commongroundct: Lisa Fernadez representing Farmington Canal Rail-to-Trail Association
commongroundct: Semi and Friends of Edgewood Park!
commongroundct: Thanks to New Haven Police for amazing support
commongroundct: The amazing Caseus Cheese Truck
commongroundct: The line for the Caseus Cheese Truck ...
commongroundct: Heading out of Beaver Pond
commongroundct: Heading out of Beaver Pond
commongroundct: Riders ot all ages ...
commongroundct: At Beaver Pond
commongroundct: At Beaver Pond