commongroundct: Shinjuku station at rush hour busiest station in Japan
commongroundct: Gingko trees
commongroundct: Government building from my hotel room in tokyo
commongroundct: An ESD Project in Envrionmental Science 2
commongroundct: A research writing class
commongroundct: School lunch
commongroundct: They had an ostrich on their farm
commongroundct: Corn in one of the gardens
commongroundct: The laying hens
commongroundct: Pig with a Mohawk
commongroundct: A musuem display sign with a quiz at Tama Forest park
commongroundct: Japanese knotweed in Japan it is not an invasive species
commongroundct: On the subway
commongroundct: Most homes have a tatami room
commongroundct: A combination washing machine and dryer that uses bath gray water in the wash cycle
commongroundct: The Samurai castle in Matsuyama City
commongroundct: A small shrine on the street in the historic Uchiko town
commongroundct: A typical Post office drop box
commongroundct: Lunch in historic Uchiko town
commongroundct: The farmers market co-op in Uchiko town
commongroundct: formal dinner in the Dogo Onsen hot springs resort
commongroundct: Tricia at the dinner at Dogo Onsen
commongroundct: It wasnt all work we did do some karoake
commongroundct: Our room at the Dogo Onsen
commongroundct: Fifth grade students learn to use microsopes
commongroundct: Lunch being served at Aratama elementary
commongroundct: the school lunch at Aratama Elementary
commongroundct: 2nd grade math class at Aratama elementary