commongroundct: A student describes her proposal to a parent
commongroundct: Teacher Jeremy Stone speaks with a student
commongroundct: A student shares her proposal with George Knight, Architect, and Claudia Merson, Yale University
commongroundct: A student shares his proposal with John Jessen, CG Board Member
commongroundct: A student presents to Regina Winters, architect, and Wendy Battles, CG Board
commongroundct: Sharing Ideas
commongroundct: Sharing Ideas
commongroundct: Proposal: Rainwater Cisterns
commongroundct: Proposal: Waste Reduction
commongroundct: Presenting to Staff and Community Members
commongroundct: Presenting Living Machines
commongroundct: Presenting Rainwater Cisterns
commongroundct: Presenting to CG Teacher Tricia Johnson
commongroundct: Presenting to CG Teacher Joan Foran
commongroundct: Proposal: Rainwater Cisterns
commongroundct: Leading Green: Voting for Top Proposals
commongroundct: Leading Green Proposal: Low-Impact Materials
commongroundct: Talking Through Proposals
commongroundct: Dave Edgeworth, Biology Teacher, casts his ballots
commongroundct: Talking Through Proposals
commongroundct: Talking Trough Proposals
commongroundct: Leading Green Proposal: Living Machines
commongroundct: Leading Green Proposal: Outdoor Classroom
commongroundct: Proposal: A Bus Shelter & Green Root
commongroundct: Proposal: Water Management
commongroundct: Proposal: Multi-Purpose Classroom Space
commongroundct: Presenting to CG Teacher Joan Foran