commongroundct: Solar Youth street cleanup
commongroundct: West Rock Rangers - snack time
commongroundct: Kids Unplugged - Adrian
commongroundct: CitySeed - Elmer & Julio selling bread 2
commongroundct: URI - tree planting 6
commongroundct: Kids Unplugged - garden tasting 1
commongroundct: URI - tree planting 4
commongroundct: CitySeed - Elmer & Julio selling bread 1
commongroundct: Leading Programs at Solar Youth
commongroundct: Drinkable Fruits at Work
commongroundct: With our campers
commongroundct: Inside Greenhouse
commongroundct: Brittany at the CG farm stand
commongroundct: 403968-R1-022-9A_006
commongroundct: LEAF Green Jobs Fair in NYC
commongroundct: P1120807
commongroundct: 187735577_040787c141_o
commongroundct: Digging the hole
commongroundct: Working at CitySeed Farmer's Market
commongroundct: IMG_0191
commongroundct: Leading Programs at Solar Youth
commongroundct: One of our two tree planting teams
commongroundct: Kids Unplugged
commongroundct: URI Tree planting interns
commongroundct: URI Tree planting interns