Cometicon: Moro-sphinx ou sphinx colibri
Cometicon: Un papillon/ a butterfly
Cometicon: Melanargia galathea
Cometicon: Butterfly profile
Cometicon: Couple de melitées
Cometicon: Facing a butterfly
Cometicon: Moro sphinx profile
Cometicon: White butterfly in light
Cometicon: Close-up on a butterfly
Cometicon: Gonepteryx butterfly
Cometicon: Close-up on gonepteryx butterfly
Cometicon: Melitaea in symmetry
Cometicon: Meadow brown (Maniola jurtina))
Cometicon: Polygonia c-album
Cometicon: Vanessa atalanta
Cometicon: Pyropteron chrysidiforme
Cometicon: Coenonympha pamphilus
Cometicon: A shot of a small wing
Cometicon: Moro-sphinx
Cometicon: The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
Cometicon: The peacock butterfly (Aglais Io)
Cometicon: Close-up on the peacock butterfly (Aglais Io)
Cometicon: The speckled yellow (Pseudopanthera macularia)
Cometicon: The lackey moth (Malocosoma neustria)
Cometicon: The small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Cometicon: Melitaea game on flower
Cometicon: The flight of the hummingbord hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
Cometicon: Butterfly in tall grass
Cometicon: Zygaena Sp.
Cometicon: Zygaena Sp.