colosseumrome: A funerary slab in the baths of Diocletian in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: A sleeping hermaphrodite marble statue ,2th ce. AD - was found in the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.
colosseumrome: A statue in the Baths of Diocletian museum in Rome, Italy
colosseumrome: Ancient bas-relief in the baths of Diocletian in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: Ancient mosaic in baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome. Italy (2)
colosseumrome: Ancient mosaic in baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: Bas-relief of a Merchant in a market in the baths of Diocletian in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: Conjectural reconstruction of the interior of the Baths of Diocletian in a watercolour by E. Paulin (1848-1915).
colosseumrome: Corridor in the baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: Octagonal Hall of Diocletian Baths, or more commonly Planetarium, seen from Via Romita
colosseumrome: Reconstruction Drawing (by Giovanni Marcanova c. ) of the Bath of Diocletian, Rome.
colosseumrome: Ruins of the Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), Rome, Italy.
colosseumrome: Ruins of the Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy.
colosseumrome: Sculpture of a Roman theatrical mask, from the Baths of Diocletian.
colosseumrome: The ancient architectural detail in baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: The Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani) in Rome
colosseumrome: The baths of Diocletian in the model of Rome, Museo della Civilta Romana, Rome.
colosseumrome: The baths of Diocletian. Rome. Italy
colosseumrome: View of the Baths of Diocletian , Rome, 1575. Drawing by Etienne du Perac.
colosseumrome: Wenceslaus Hollar, The Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani Ruinae), Rome, 1651.-1
colosseumrome: Wenceslaus Hollar, The Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani Ruinae), Rome, 1651-2