colosseumrome: The area beneath the #Colosseum was called the Hypogeum (meaning underground). The hypogeum consisted of two-level below ground network of tunnels and 32 animal pens.
colosseumrome: #Colosseum by night.
colosseumrome: #Colosseum was constructed between 72 A.D and 80 A.D under the Emperor Vespasian, in the heart of Rome. When it was first built it was initially called the Flavian Amphitheatre.
colosseumrome: The name #Colosseum is derived from the Latin word ‘colosseus’ meaning colossal.
colosseumrome: #Colosseum by night.
colosseumrome: Lovely Sunset. #Colosseum #Rome.
colosseumrome: Colosseum. Made from stone and concrete, this splendid monument was constructed with the man power of tens of thousands of slaves. (using over 60,000 Jewish slaves.).
colosseumrome: The marble façade and some parts of the Colosseum were used for the construction of St Peter’s Basilica.
colosseumrome: Colosseum.
colosseumrome: The Colosseum was created for gladiatorial competitions and also public spectacles. The last documented games were held there in the Sixth century.
colosseumrome: #Colosseum by night.
colosseumrome: Good Morning. #Colosseum
colosseumrome: Colosseum. This brilliant building had 80 entryways and could seat around 50,000 spectators who would come to view sporting events and games.
colosseumrome: Colosseum
colosseumrome: #Colosseum.
colosseumrome: Lots of natural disasters ravaged the structure of the #Colosseum, however it was the earthquakes of 847 AD and 1231 AD that caused most of the damage you see today.
colosseumrome: Good Morning. #Colosseum
colosseumrome: Colosseum
colosseumrome: 20 - Colosseum
colosseumrome: 21 Colosseum
colosseumrome: 22 Colosseum
colosseumrome: 23 Colosseum
colosseumrome: Before - After Colosseum
colosseumrome: #Colosseum #Rome.
colosseumrome: Colosseum Entrance
colosseumrome: Inside the amphitheater of Coliseum in Rome- one of wonders of the world in the morning time.
colosseumrome: Indoor view of the Colosseum in Rome.
colosseumrome: Iconic ancient Colosseum. Colosseum is probably the most impressive building of the Roman Empire. Originally known as the Flavian Amphitheater, it was the largest building of the era. Rome, Italy.-4
colosseumrome: Iconic ancient Colosseum. Colosseum is probably most impressive building of Roman Empire. Originally known as Flavian Amphitheater, it was largest building of the era.
colosseumrome: Inside the Colosseum ( Coliseum, Colosseo ,also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre )-