whatmakesmeclick: Washington DC, White House 09
whatmakesmeclick: Washington DC, Capitol 09
whatmakesmeclick: Walk thru the Cherry Blossoms
whatmakesmeclick: Park Bench at the Tidal Basin
whatmakesmeclick: The Washington Monument 09
whatmakesmeclick: Korean War Memorial
whatmakesmeclick: Cherry Blossoms beginning to Bloom
whatmakesmeclick: Rainy Morning at the Tidal Basin
whatmakesmeclick: Spring at the Capitol
whatmakesmeclick: Spring at the White House
whatmakesmeclick: Spring in DC
whatmakesmeclick: World War II Memorial
whatmakesmeclick: World War II Memorial
whatmakesmeclick: Early at the Tidal Basin with Cherry Blossoms in Bloom
whatmakesmeclick: Couple walking in the rain at the Tidal Basin
whatmakesmeclick: Cherry Blossom Tree at the Tidal Basin
whatmakesmeclick: This way to the Cherry Blossoms
whatmakesmeclick: The White House