colorblindPICASO: Like a musical montage in any 80s teen movie, I can quickly pass the time between getting on the train and into the stadium with a musical montage. Please provide your own sound track.
colorblindPICASO: Houston's metro always seems calm. Too calm. What we need is a guy in an animal suit dancing around advertizing something. THEN the city will have arrived.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah once again playing with fire, thinking about stepping on that crack... her mother's poor back.
colorblindPICASO: Next stop: Convention Center Station. Note to our regular passengers, groups of people jumping around while making their own sound effects, wearing Japanese style clothing, gold metallic bikinis, or capes of any color should be NOT be encouraged.
colorblindPICASO: My girlfriend Sarah calling her mom before we head off to Comic Con for Preview Night. You have to take care of these things in advance, otherwise people might call you while Adam West is autographing your chest. Comic book fangirls have it rough.
colorblindPICASO: While waiting for the train Sarah broke into toe stretches to get ready for the day of walking barefoot. My pedometer averaged 8 miles plus per day. My feet hurt just typing that.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah demonstrating that she is willing and able to bite someone's head off if they get in the way of a cute hoodie or comic book.
colorblindPICASO: Foot and toe stretches continue. This time Sarah has added poster tube balancing to the act. You should see how she gets ready to go kick boxing!
colorblindPICASO: The new day may now begin!
colorblindPICASO: With the steel chopsticks in her hair and the mysterious tube slung over her shoulder she almost looks ready for battle.
colorblindPICASO: I noticed I've posted a lot of shots with Sarah talking on the phone at Comic Con 2009... so I got to thinking (I always do)... did she do that in previous years?
colorblindPICASO: Sarah checking her voicemail while waiting on the train after Friday at Comic-Con. She has the backpack, she must have felt compassion for her Sherpa...
colorblindPICASO: This guy was REALLY confused by the costumes at the light rail stop... clearly no one cleared this concentration of geeks with him...
colorblindPICASO: I'm not going to lie... there is a STRONG possibility I was breaking the "STAND BEHIND LINE" rule to get this shot.
colorblindPICASO: I wonder why they feel the need to write the "STAND BEHIND LINE" warning in all caps, in bold, in bright yellow. Being this close to a speeding train seems perfectly safe... what could go wrong?
colorblindPICASO: Shoped: You never know when you'll run into one of your favorite cartoon characters while riding mass-transit.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah volunteered to hold the (empty) backpack for the train ride. She loves me.=)
colorblindPICASO: You never know when you'll run into one of your favorite cartoon characters while riding mass-transit.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah before an Aggie football game. She's a non-conformist. See? She's NOT wearing maroon pants!
colorblindPICASO: It is going to be a long day at Comic-Con so Sarah likes to sneak some time leaning on the poster tube.
colorblindPICASO: You have to wonder what the janitor in this picture thinks about Comic-Con. My girlfriend is walking around barefoot, a ninja is buying a train ticket, and I'm pretty sure she noticed the Batman on the other train...
colorblindPICASO: Ghostbusters brand Chap Stick... smells like MarshmallowMan "Spirit" ...ha haaa... Seriously, get it?!?
colorblindPICASO: "Welcome back to Wheel of Fortune. The category is 'Before and After.'" "Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle: 'Bare Foot Ball'"
colorblindPICASO: Color coordination sure makes life easier in Aggieland. Of course, the bus system isn't THAT complicated. But you can pretty much count on the maroon buses eventually ending up on campus.
colorblindPICASO: Apparently the City of San Diego is doing better in the these troubling economic times than other places. The coveted "guy standing around with a yellow flag and orange vest" position is still around.
colorblindPICASO: "Hello Citizens! This is Invisible Man, your humble correspondent reporting live from Day 1 of Comic Con 2009 in San Diego! Tune in daily as my one man crew and I bring you all the news that is fit to cover!"
colorblindPICASO: Geek head butt.
colorblindPICASO: Oh... is that poster tube heavy Sweet Thing? All that hollow plastic and paper getting you down? Take a load off...
colorblindPICASO: "Stand Behind Line"
colorblindPICASO: To the untrained eye this might just look like a barefoot girl with her feet up in a train bench. Oh silly amateurs...