colorblindPICASO: After retrieving a ball from the pond, Pokey goes into his routine of finding me and my camera just before shaking dry. Seriously, between him and Sarah, it is a wonder my camera doesn't end up buried under the garage.
colorblindPICASO: As Pinocchio knows, telling "fish stories" is a good way to get a long nose. Too bad talking about the one that got away is an occupational hazard for Pelicans.
colorblindPICASO: Quackers Mc Pelican took his part time job delivering babies (Mr. Stork was often out sick)...
colorblindPICASO: "Wow, the water sure does look farther down from up here... Oh man, is that Jill over there? Crud, now if I climb back down the diving board ladder in tears she'll NEVER go to the Pond with me!"
colorblindPICASO: Evidently Pokey accomplished the impossible, found a way to smell distinctively WORSE than the dog park pond... he was suddenly their god.
colorblindPICASO: “I know you hate bath time, but if you didn’t have to roll around in death 30 seconds after we get into the dog park we could BOTH stay dry and clean.”
colorblindPICASO: Young animals are a lot like kids. Just when you get them posed right, they discover that they can roll their tongue into a tube. *thuuuu* *thuuuu*
colorblindPICASO: Pokey emerges victorious from the pond, ball in mouth, pride in his eyes. But you should have seen the one that got away… it was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.
colorblindPICASO: Zoo Dancing.
colorblindPICASO: Hey kid, would you like to come over for dinner?
colorblindPICASO: Mmmm.... Grass...
colorblindPICASO: Sarah savoring her victory at a King of the Hill game after Comic-Con. Granted, it isn't much of a hill, and comic book geeks run away in tears when you wrap their Superman cape around their head. But she was proud of the victory none the less.
colorblindPICASO: Don't you love it when ONE person in the picture is moving onto the "silly faces" shot just as someone takes the best looking shot of the set? *JEN*
colorblindPICASO: "OMG Dear, CIO" "LMHO, z dat oap warin dat S" "SH" "IKT" "l8r" "kthxbye"
colorblindPICASO: "My name is A Duck Named Slickback. Please say the whole thing every time."
colorblindPICASO: Getting off an airplane was a lot easier before I started dating Sarah. She manages to combine her love of blankets with her obsessive folding tendencies. At least she travels light... traveling barefoot and not packing makeup cuts down on security waits.
colorblindPICASO: The problem with shooting free-hand 3D shots is that you have to get the model to hold still for the second picture.... this guy wouldn't hold still. I mean... Well, ok. This was pretty much the easiest stereo shot I've ever taken.
colorblindPICASO: Even with her mom walking right beside her, Sarah callously steps on a crack and breaks her mother's back. She is SOOO inconsiderate!
colorblindPICASO: Still annoyed from our football team's performance the day before, Sarah started randomly demonstrating the proper procedure for signaling a "fair catch."
colorblindPICASO: Happiness is a cesspool of gook to play in..... apparently.
colorblindPICASO: Did he really just return the fetch ball to the other side of the pond?!!?
colorblindPICASO: Where there is water, there is a dog interested in jumping in it.
colorblindPICASO: *SIGH* Sarah sure spends a lot of time getting pedicures. Something tells me mud and gook are part of the cause for that!
colorblindPICASO: Everyone is looking over at Sarah's mom, who is chasing down a runaway dog. Apparently, misbehaving dogs are so funny it hurts...
colorblindPICASO: "Sure Khaos, mud is fun right now, but how are you going to feel about it when we get out the hose for bath time?"
colorblindPICASO: Somehow exercising the dogs involves a lot more walking for the humans than the dog.
colorblindPICASO: Huh... I guess getting mud on your legs and feet runs in the family. Someone needs to tell them the mud is suppose to go on your face not below the knees. Some people pay for this right?
colorblindPICASO: You can tell the true hunters from the pretenders by the eyes... that tennis ball never knew what hit it.
colorblindPICASO: Mr. and Mrs. Duck: professional line standers.