colorblindPICASO: As Pinocchio knows, telling "fish stories" is a good way to get a long nose. Too bad talking about the one that got away is an occupational hazard for Pelicans.
colorblindPICASO: Quackers Mc Pelican took his part time job delivering babies (Mr. Stork was often out sick)...
colorblindPICASO: "Wow, the water sure does look farther down from up here... Oh man, is that Jill over there? Crud, now if I climb back down the diving board ladder in tears she'll NEVER go to the Pond with me!"
colorblindPICASO: She's so sweet and innocent looking when she can't breathe or chase me with an Arnese fighting stick. I should dress her in restrictive support clothing more often.
colorblindPICASO: "Ok, I think I've got the corset laced up finally, but if you make me laugh tonight and a boob pops out... You'll be wearing this thing around your junk for a week!"
colorblindPICASO: Every once in a while I take pictures when Sarah is shopping for obscure hardware in a computer warehouse store, wearing a tank top that shows off her super-heroes tattoos, and talking to me about our recent trip to Comic-Con….
colorblindPICASO: Note that the "Heavenly glow" is not an out of focus, over exposure, over processing on my old camera's part, rather a metaphysical expression of Sarah's joy at finding the self she needs to expand her Transformer's collection.
colorblindPICASO: Take a close look at Sarah in this picture:
colorblindPICASO: I was emboldened to take pictures in the Galleria Mall by the large group of Asian teenagers just out of frame. They were snapping pictures of each other taking pictures of random things on the floor. Ah... it is good to be among friends!
colorblindPICASO: In honor of the 3rd hurricane to maybe hit Houston in 2008 my girlfriend has this friendly PSA: "Fill your gas tanks! Go barefoot if you must. Sacrifice your kids and dogs. Whatever it takes!"
colorblindPICASO: Despite conclusive proof brought to us by the Mytbusters, try telling your girlfriend you get less wet walking in the rain than running. The look they give you is both understanding and agreeing. Nothing bends to logic like a wet and slightly cold girl.
colorblindPICASO: The kind of sky you want to run into AFTER you eat a meal on a restaurant's patio.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah contemplates the questionable choices she's made in life: investing in rare comic book posters instead of the market, eating that truck stop vending machine egg salad sandwich, dating a guy who takes pictures during dinner...
colorblindPICASO: Don't you love it when ONE person in the picture is moving onto the "silly faces" shot just as someone takes the best looking shot of the set? *JEN*
colorblindPICASO: Locks of Love: the deed is done!
colorblindPICASO: "OMG Dear, CIO" "LMHO, z dat oap warin dat S" "SH" "IKT" "l8r" "kthxbye"
colorblindPICASO: "What you want to do there is rejigger the dumblflap... WAIT... that's too far, now it is all disscombobulated."
colorblindPICASO: I really need to get some sun on my scalp. My tan line up there makes me look gray... which besides the fact that it kind of matches the rest of the clothes, is hopefully many years away. Of course, Sarah does jump out to scare me a lot…
colorblindPICASO: The key to consulting is calm confidence and professionalism. Never come to a meeting unprepared or off your game. And whatever happens, DO NOT have any Freudian slips that would point out that lady in the front row with one blue sock and one red sock.
colorblindPICASO: It is never good when the girlfriend decides that if your hands are free enough to take pictures, you clearly aren't carrying enough groceries.
colorblindPICASO: Like the camel, the Sarah carries enough provisions to last in the desert for several days. These provisions are stored in two brown "humps" on either side of the creature's hips.
colorblindPICASO: I think someone should document the faces people make right before sneezing. I see a new Flickr Group!
colorblindPICASO: Sarah might be able to survive on cherries and cold cereal alone.
colorblindPICASO: Look what aisle I'm on! I deserve some kind of high praise for this level bravery.
colorblindPICASO: Ginger enjoying the grass on the best day of her life. What makes it so? Well... she barked at a car, chased a bug, and dreamed she was a cow girl in a Kibble Bag drive when she took her 12th morning nap.
colorblindPICASO: Is it a bad thing that the dogs might have more variety in their diet than I do?
colorblindPICASO: "I can't breathe or move right now, but if you take ONE MORE PICTURE I will come over there strangle you with my corset laces!"
colorblindPICASO: "Have you seen my red paint? No... not THAT red paint, my other red paint." I imagine some guys can relate, but it probably relates to shoes or dresses.
colorblindPICASO: Guys, I know it looks like having a girlfriend with a formal corset looks fun and sexy, but be warned:
colorblindPICASO: Fixing her hair and wearing makeup really doesn't agree with Sarah. At the end of the night she always ends up in a fetal position wearing fuzzy socks.