colorblindPICASO: "Uh yeah hi, is my stylist in? Great, could you ask her if 'mango cherry breeze' or 'island mist essence' would be better for my hair?"
colorblindPICASO: Inexplicable, Sarah executes a flawless Picard Maneuver. If you don’t get that, you have some Star Trek to catch up on.
colorblindPICASO: After swinging down by her knees, Sarah narrowly avoids flashing the whole playground. Once again, never wearing a bra comes back to haunt her.
colorblindPICASO: It may look like she is trying ditch me going to the light rail station, but in reality she’s considering the 12 posters she wants to buy that day… and how she can convince me that we really don’t need ALL the windows in our house to be see through.
colorblindPICASO: They really shouldn't put those mini power polls so close to a swing set. When people like my girlfriend swing barefoot splinter danger is at an all-time high. She finally learned her lesson though.=)
colorblindPICASO: Sarah savoring her victory at a King of the Hill game after Comic-Con. Granted, it isn't much of a hill, and comic book geeks run away in tears when you wrap their Superman cape around their head. But she was proud of the victory none the less.
colorblindPICASO: How she kick boxes in athletic shoes she can slide off without untying has always baffled me. But that is not surprising; it combines three things I know almost nothing about: exercising, girl clothes, and women in general.
colorblindPICASO: This was shot in one of four places in Houston that out does our house for written references to radioactive spiders, giant alien robots, and grown men taking themselves seriously in brightly colored capes.
colorblindPICASO: "No Mom, I can't explain this any more clearly. I'm about to make a major buy in commissioned art and posters. I need you to go to my house and measure the ceiling space above the couch. Yes, I think we have moved beyond walls at this point."
colorblindPICASO: *SNIFF* "Skittles?!?!" *SNIFF SNIFF* "Do I smell Skittles?!" *SNIFF* "What are Skittles?!? I Think I want Skittles!!" *SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF*
colorblindPICASO: Check out the sweet colors and upholstery job on this hotel love seat. I know it looks like "Motel 2" or "Faded Pink Roof Inn" but this was the room they gave us with Sarah's super secret double platinum frequent guest card.
colorblindPICASO: Aw... my loyal office plants. Life has been harder for them since I started working from home again. You'd be surprised how dependant plants can become on their morning pep talk.
colorblindPICASO: Some of you may think my little jokes about rapidly diminishing wall space are included simply for comic purposes. Oh no silly web people. This is a panoramic shot of our bedroom (with my office down the hallway).
colorblindPICASO: *SIGH* this picture tells me one thing: my best "angle" is the one where I'm BEHIND the camera.
colorblindPICASO: Camera timers are hard…
colorblindPICASO: Young animals are a lot like kids. Just when you get them posed right, they discover that they can roll their tongue into a tube. *thuuuu* *thuuuu*
colorblindPICASO: Girls have a way of looking sexy doing the most mundane things. How are guys suppose to a) compete with that or b) resist that. Not fair.
colorblindPICASO: While Sarah was bouncing around dog costume shopping, do you think the dogs had a spontaneous shudder across town?
colorblindPICASO: "I have played with all your milk junk rings, sniffed all your plants, and explored behind all of your couches... I am ready to move on to the next house please."
colorblindPICASO: "Hey Charlie, what is that up there?" "No idea Zoe, but I want it." "Me too, now how do we get it?" "Not sure, it's pretty high. Let's give the humans puppy dog eyes." "WHAT? No way, KITTEN eyes!" "Puppy dog eyes!"
colorblindPICASO: I thought I might have to reboot her. She just kept staring at herself in those sandals. Guess she's not used to being tall. The air IS thinner up here.
colorblindPICASO: I know this looks awkward for Sarah, but you must understand that girly things like formal sandals actively flee her presence. Just buckling this strap took several shots from her tazer. The shoes must have known what they were getting into!
colorblindPICASO: Apparently I had $5,000 worth of He-Man and Voltron toys in my closet as a child. Some twerp at a garage sale owes me some money.
colorblindPICASO: It really doesn't take much to make Sarah happy. A vintage TMNT hoodie, tickets to a comic book convention, commissioned art incorporating her tattoo… she's VERY low maintenance!
colorblindPICASO: Tone Rodriguez in Artist's Alley. This guy is one of the coolest artists you'll find at a con. Despite the fact that he had half the conference attendees believing Sarah showed him her "ass tattoo" in exchange for this sketch.
colorblindPICASO: After almost four years of dating this comic book freak, I cannot explain why our fridge is not covered with superhero magnets. You've all seen our walls right?
colorblindPICASO: Alien landscape
colorblindPICASO: BELLAIRE, Texas (AP) -- Classic Atari Space Invader caught in common spider's web. Locals hunkered down in fear.
colorblindPICASO: If you had to guess, how many times would you say we saw the Transformers movie? Hm... not even close, here's a smaller, more believable number… how many times did we see it in California… WHILE AT COMIC-CON?!?
colorblindPICASO: Charlie has no idea what snow is, but he's pretty sure it calls for a lick.