colorblindPICASO: Pokey contemplating String Theory, he supports it.
colorblindPICASO: He never took his eyes off Sarah.
colorblindPICASO: Ginger smiling: she’s up to something.
colorblindPICASO: This is a scary picture. I swear I can see into his brain!
colorblindPICASO: Seriously, aside from licking your own butt, being a cat looks pretty fun.
colorblindPICASO: Ginger keeps a constant eye out for Greenies and twisty treats that might fall off of everyday objects. She would probably shake the couch cushions if she had opposable thumbs.
colorblindPICASO: “I know you hate bath time, but if you didn’t have to roll around in death 30 seconds after we get into the dog park we could BOTH stay dry and clean.”
colorblindPICASO: Charlie is always there for me.
colorblindPICASO: "Sit dogs. Good, now down. Good, now prove global warming." Sadly they failed at that last one. Treats were had by all never the less.
colorblindPICASO: Kit-Kat first discovered he had the ability to produce flame with his ears after being bitten by a radioactive flea. He soon joined up with a flying dog and an invisible gerbil to fight crime and have adventures.
colorblindPICASO: It is probably time to start posting pictures of Pokey again. He may be gone, but he's still here on the inside.
colorblindPICASO: “I know you’re a pretty dog, but I just don’t think you’ll be able to figure out the fondue cook times if we let you come with us. The Melting Pot is very picky about under cooked sea food.”
colorblindPICASO: “If I had thumbs I would use them to open boxes and jars that smelled good. Why does he waste his poking that clicky board thing?”
colorblindPICASO: The hairclip I commissioned for Sarah. It is modeled after one of her tattoos.
colorblindPICASO: “Once upon a time there were three puppies that didn’t sit still for their Halloween pictures. Do you know what happened that night after the lights got turned off?!”
colorblindPICASO: Sometimes it is all just too exhausting for Charlie. Good thing he could nap in someone's lap on a rollercoaster.
colorblindPICASO: *SNIFF* "Skittles?!?!" *SNIFF SNIFF* "Do I smell Skittles?!" *SNIFF* "What are Skittles?!? I Think I want Skittles!!" *SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF*
colorblindPICASO: Charlie is often much like a gas. He will expand or contact to fill the available space in a container.
colorblindPICASO: My photostream might give the false impression that Jen's dog Charlie spends most of his time sleeping. As this shot clearly shows, that is not true. He is saying goodbye as he leaves for his weekly pollination shift.
colorblindPICASO: "I have played with all your milk junk rings, sniffed all your plants, and explored behind all of your couches... I am ready to move on to the next house please."
colorblindPICASO: Young animals are a lot like kids. Just when you get them posed right, they discover that they can roll their tongue into a tube. *thuuuu* *thuuuu*
colorblindPICASO: For Easter the dogs got to hunt for greenies. Poor Khaos nearly threw out her back frantically sitting, laying down, and sitting again. She didn't understand the game very well!=)
colorblindPICASO: In a flash the dogs are on the bad guy's scent trail! Justice will be served! Wrongs will be righted... uh... guys, that's just a leaf.
colorblindPICASO: "Hey Charlie, what is that up there?" "No idea Zoe, but I want it." "Me too, now how do we get it?" "Not sure, it's pretty high. Let's give the humans puppy dog eyes." "WHAT? No way, KITTEN eyes!" "Puppy dog eyes!"
colorblindPICASO: Like children on their first birthday or Christmas, Charlie was stoked about turning 1.
colorblindPICASO: Pokey emerges victorious from the pond, ball in mouth, pride in his eyes. But you should have seen the one that got away… it was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.
colorblindPICASO: I don't like the way Pokey is looking at me in this picture: "Hm… maybe the treats are stored on the INSIDE..." I think that is what lions, tigers, and bears think.
colorblindPICASO: "Uh Ginger, do you really think licking your lips is the best strategy for getting a second treat? You might try puppy dog eyes, fake hunger, and guilt next time."
colorblindPICASO: "Welcome to Glamour Shots" "Thanks, my name is Charlie and I think I'd like to try some shots in a nice shimmering gold wrap."
colorblindPICASO: Squeaking a frogie is surprisingly hard work. Luckily we got Pokey a model with a built-in pillow. He is all squeaked out.