colorblindPICASO: No photoshop trick, that gas really does cost $1.84... now do you believe me that this is from 2005?
colorblindPICASO: "What do you mean all the maroon thread is used up?!"
colorblindPICASO: This is Sarah testing out her telekinesis on my camera.
colorblindPICASO: This is a game!
colorblindPICASO: "Hon, I know your glasses make you look nerdy, but you’re not even CLOSE to that pin!"
colorblindPICASO: Marty failed to get Mom and Dad together and didn’t even get back to 1985
colorblindPICASO: Just the face you want to see when you made the drink!
colorblindPICASO: “I’m hungry. Do you think they’ve got an overpriced restaurant with a 2 hour wait that we could try? Oooo… this one looks like its air conditioner is also broken! G-517 FTW!”
colorblindPICASO: She’s lost in thought; I’m lost on the map!
colorblindPICASO: 2005 A&M vs. Baylor game with Sarah
colorblindPICASO: So sweet when she is almost asleep
colorblindPICASO: Sarah trying her pouty kitten face on me... NO I STILL DON'T WANT ICE CREAM
colorblindPICASO: "I can put this many sprinkles in my mouth at once."
colorblindPICASO: Meta photography
colorblindPICASO: “Yes, I’m looking for your poster section? Oh, these two city blocks? Thanks!”
colorblindPICASO: "What do you mean my Geek Quotient goes up if I look at online comics on the way to ComicCon?"
colorblindPICASO: “Don’t rush me! I know I can fit these 10 Transformers figures in here, just give me a second.”
colorblindPICASO: “So I think we can hang the 15 posters I bought today in the kitchen. But we’re going to have to get creative. Do you think you can live without cold food for a few weeks at a time?”
colorblindPICASO: Excuse the look on Sarah’s face, the droid just beeped a really inappropriate joke… that dirty minded robot needs to get its head out of the gutter.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah on the first morning of ComicCon. This is her Christmas morning!
colorblindPICASO: "Oh man, this is just the schedule for Thursday. We have to go get the others or I might miss that session on the proper way to archive 1980s comic books in semi-humid climates."
colorblindPICASO: “Once upon a time there were three puppies that didn’t sit still for their Halloween pictures. Do you know what happened that night after the lights got turned off?!”
colorblindPICASO: “I know you hate bath time, but if you didn’t have to roll around in death 30 seconds after we get into the dog park we could BOTH stay dry and clean.”
colorblindPICASO: Recently there was a famous blog article about how a guy’s TiVo thought he was gay. As Sarah chooses between TMNT, Rockets Basketball, Modern Marvels, and South Park, you have to wonder what our own TiVo thinks.
colorblindPICASO: It may look like she is trying ditch me going to the light rail station, but in reality she’s considering the 12 posters she wants to buy that day… and how she can convince me that we really don’t need ALL the windows in our house to be see through.
colorblindPICASO: When talking to her dirty dog, Sarah narrowly avoids going topless when her Superman hoodie mistakes “Yuck Pup! And go away” for a command. (hint for non-comic book fans: it tried to fly away)
colorblindPICASO: Our trip to Comic-Con was tragically cut short when four foamy looking snakes attacked and killed Sarah in the hotel pool.
colorblindPICASO: Something about an Aggie Ring just makes you want to take pictures of it.
colorblindPICASO: What some of you may not know is that Sarah was sent to Earth from Heaven. I think maybe she got kicked out.
colorblindPICASO: Sarah swinging at her old elementary school. She suddenly stopped when she realized she chased down and beat-up her kindergarten crush in that grass and dirt. I wish I could say times have changed…