balto18: 1374-B Mt. Vernon Avenue
balto18: Whitney
balto18: Rodney
balto18: Zanner at Bavarian Garden
balto18: Dan at Bavarian Garden
balto18: Susanne
balto18: Zantron
balto18: 065
balto18: Dude at Paul's
balto18: Recreation of a 20 year old picture
balto18: WK and Dan at Paul's
balto18: Tri Delts
balto18: Paul's menu.
balto18: Rodney
balto18: 057
balto18: Zanner and WK
balto18: Disgusted Susanne
balto18: I don't know either.
balto18: Susanne at 85-95 Tent
balto18: Harc on Wheels
balto18: Harc looking dejected
balto18: Conflict of Interests
balto18: I love the English department.
balto18: Whit the Bell Ringer
balto18: Whitney rings bell
balto18: Dan rings bell
balto18: Hapless pledge
balto18: It's really not hazing.
balto18: Tim