Cologne Game Lab: Clash of Realities
Cologne Game Lab: Björn Bartholdy opening the Game Design Track
Cologne Game Lab: CGL´s Björn Bartholdy, Katharina Tillmanns, Gundolf Freyermuth
Cologne Game Lab: Kay Küsgen presenting the game Where is my Heart?
Cologne Game Lab: Kay Küsgen of Die Gute Fabrik
Cologne Game Lab: Game Designers Katherine Bidwell, Luke Whittaker of State of Play
Cologne Game Lab: Florian Grolig, Christian Niemand presenting Tiny and Big
Cologne Game Lab: Christian Niemand, Florian Grolig of Black Pants Studios
Cologne Game Lab: Story-driven Games: Björn Bartholdy discussing with the Game Designers
Cologne Game Lab: Digital Game meets Board Game: Discussion with board game designer Jens-Peter Schliemann
Cologne Game Lab: Gundolf S. Freyermuth at the 2012 Clash of Realities Conference
Cologne Game Lab: Beyond Entertainment: Lea Schönfelder, Jens M. Stober discussing with Katharina Tillmanns
Cologne Game Lab: Game Design Track at the Clash of Realities Conference
Cologne Game Lab: Eric Zimmerman at the 2012 Clash of Realities Conference
Cologne Game Lab: Eric Zimmerman at the 2012 Clash of Realities Conference
Cologne Game Lab: Eric Zimmerman at the 2012 Clash of Realities Conference
Cologne Game Lab: Game Designer Adriaan De Jongh presenting Fingle
Cologne Game Lab: Christiane Hütter of Invisible Playground
Cologne Game Lab: Transreality Games: Challenging theAudience
Cologne Game Lab: Transreality Games: Christiane Hütter, Adriaan De Jongh
Cologne Game Lab: Gundolf S. Freyermuth
Cologne Game Lab: 20120524-_MG_1575
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie in Cologne
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie at Odeon Theatre Cologne
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie - registration
Cologne Game Lab: CGL presents Indie Game: The Movie
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie - registration
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie - doors opening
Cologne Game Lab: Clash of Realities Conference at Odeon Theatre Cologne
Cologne Game Lab: Indie Game: The Movie at Odeon Theatre Cologne