Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: North American T-28B Trojan s/n 138289 (1955) C-GDKR
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: North American T-28B Trojan s/n 138289 (1955) C-GDKR
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: BAC 167 Strikemaster MK 82 s/n EEP/JP/404 (1970) (ex Singapore AF & Yemen AF) C-GXDK
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: BAC 167 Strikemaster MK 82 s/n EEP/JP/404 (1970) (ex Singapore AF & Yemen AF) C-GXDK
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: BAC 167 Strikemaster MK 82 s/n EEP/JP/404 (1970) (ex Singapore AF & Yemen AF) C-GXDK
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: BAC 167 Strikemaster MK 82 s/n EEP/JP/404 (1970) (ex Singapore AF & Yemen AF) C-GXDK
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin s/n 294878 (1972) Viper North N29VN
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin s/n 294878 (1972) Viper North N29VN
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin s/n 294878 (1972) Viper North N29VN
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Canadair CT-133-AN MK3 Silver Star s/n 577 (1957) "Mako Shark" C-FRGA
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Canadair CT-133-AN MK3 Silver Star s/n 577 (1957) "Mako Shark" C-FRGA
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Canadair CT-133-AN MK3 Silver Star s/n 577 (1957) "Mako Shark" C-FRGA
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Grumman TBM-3E Avenger s/n 53454 Training Services Inc/Fighter Factory NL7030C
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Grumman TBM-3E Avenger s/n 53454 Training Services Inc/Fighter Factory NL7030C
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Grumman TBM-3E Avenger s/n 53454 Training Services Inc/Fighter Factory NL7030C
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress s/n 77255 (1944) "Yankee Lady" N3193G
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress s/n 77255 (1944) "Yankee Lady" N3193G
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress s/n 77255 (1944) "Yankee Lady" N3193G
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Short Final @ Waterloo Regional Airport (CYKW), ON, Canada Note: Photo taken from bombardier`s position in nose of Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey"
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" 44-83514 CAF - Arizona Wing N9323Z
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" 44-83514 CAF - Arizona Wing N9323Z
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" 44-83514 CAF - Arizona Wing N9323Z
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" 44-83514 CAF - Arizona Wing (Wright Cyclone R-1820 radial engines) N9323Z
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" 44-83514 CAF - Arizona Wing (Bombardier's nose position and Norden bomb sights) N9323Z