Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi, Russian Nuclear Icebreaker Bridge
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker at the geographic North Pole
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: North Pole GPS Reading, NS 50 Let Pobedi
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8T Helicopter RA22772 Landing on NS 50 Let Pobedi
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8T Helicopter RA22772, based on NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory"
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8T Helicopter RA22722, based on Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory",
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8T Helicopter RA22722, based on Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory",
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8 Hip Helicopter North Pole
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory" Russian Nuclear Icebreaker departing for North Pole
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS Sovetsky Soyuz and NS Yamal, nuclear icebreakers of Russian Northern Fleet
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS Yamal and NS Rossiya, nuclear icebreakers, Russian Northern Fleet, Murmansk, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS Arktika (Northern Fleet), Murmansk
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS Rossiya, NS Yamal and NS Sovetsky Soyuz, nuclear icebreakers, Russian Northern Fleet, Murmansk, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS Sevmorput, NS Rossiya, NS Yamal, NS Sovetsky Soyuz, Admiral Kuznetsov (CV 063), Murmansk Navy Dockyards, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Navy Tug, Atomflot Docks, Murmansk, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Tugs, Murmansk Harbour, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Russian Aircraft Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (CV 063), Navy Dockyards, Murmansk, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Russian Aircraft Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (CV 063)
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Russian Aircraft Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (CV 063) Murmansk Navy Docks, Russia
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi (50 Years of Victory), Russian Arktika Class icebreaker, world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker, Arctic Ocean
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Photoshoot Mi-8 Hip Transport Helicopter RA22722: Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS 50 Let Pobedi (50 Years of Victory), Arctic Ocean
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Photoshoot Mi-8 Hip Transport Helicopter RA22722: Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS 50 Let Pobedi (50 Years of Victory), Arctic Ocean
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory", Russian Arktika Class Nuclear Icebreaker, Arctic Ocean, Maiden Voyage to the North Pole
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: NS 50 Let Pobedi "50 Years of Victory", Russian Arktika Class Nuclear Icebreaker, Arctic Ocean, Maiden Voyage to the North Pole
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Mi-8T Hip Helicopter RA22722 landing on Russian Nuclear Icebreaker NS 50 Let Pobedi (50 Years of Victory)
Barry (Waterloo) Griffiths: Sedov Station, Bukta Tikhaya, Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land