bowler1996p: Up a tree 20090815-113544
bowler1996p: Group photo 20090815-101007
bowler1996p: Shrunk friend 20090814-102404
bowler1996p: 20090814-080612
bowler1996p: Morning dip 20090814-080434
bowler1996p: Morning dip 20090814-080159
bowler1996p: 20090814-073434
bowler1996p: 20090814-073238
bowler1996p: Backwards helmet 20090813-184318
bowler1996p: Elizabeth golfing 20090813-151015
bowler1996p: Laura at high ropes with Judith 20090813-112503
bowler1996p: High ropes 20090813-112230
bowler1996p: High ropes 20090813-112129b
bowler1996p: Laura and Barbs preparing for the high ropes 20090813-110237
bowler1996p: Fireworks 20090812-220314
bowler1996p: Fireworks 20090812-220242
bowler1996p: S'more mess 20090812-211040
bowler1996p: 20090812-204612
bowler1996p: Rainbow 20090812-200038
bowler1996p: 20090812-180715
bowler1996p: 20090812-180621
bowler1996p: Our table at Fairhavens 20090812-180455
bowler1996p: Barbara Kayaking 20090812-164850
bowler1996p: Canoeing 20090812-164002
bowler1996p: Laura and Barb 20090812-163931
bowler1996p: Elizabeth Kayaking 20090812-163706
bowler1996p: Lawn bowling 20090812-120655
bowler1996p: Lawn bowling 20090812-120239
bowler1996p: Walk by the canal 20090812-114544
bowler1996p: Lock on the canal 20090812-114349