SUNY Brockport: Packed house!
SUNY Brockport: Packed house!
SUNY Brockport: Packed house!
SUNY Brockport: Packed house!
SUNY Brockport: Packed house!
SUNY Brockport: Dr. Halstead welcoming the class of 2013.
SUNY Brockport: Kerry Gotham, director of alumni relations, talking about the importance of staying connected with Brockport after graduation.
SUNY Brockport: The Senior Cup goes to the school with the highest participation among the five schools.
SUNY Brockport: Sam Wheller, BSG president, giving her $5 towards the Senior Challenge.
SUNY Brockport: Bill Sachman, coordinator of alumni relations, talking about the Brockport Bucket List (the new online yearbook).
SUNY Brockport: The senior week co-chairs promoting the senior events.
SUNY Brockport: Karen Webber, GOLD leadership board co-chair, pitching the GOLD program to the seniors. The program keeps recent graduates engaged with their alma mater.
SUNY Brockport: Free t-shirts!
SUNY Brockport: Seniors giving to the Senior Challenge!
SUNY Brockport: Seniors giving to the Senior Challenge!
SUNY Brockport: Seniors giving to the Senior Challenge!
SUNY Brockport: Seniors giving to the Senior Challenge!