mommy_wins: I *AM* smiling.
mommy_wins: I don't WANT to smile nice. This IS my smile.
mommy_wins: Mom. I'm DONE with pictures.
mommy_wins: FINE. There. Are you happy?
mommy_wins: C'MON...
mommy_wins: whaaaaaaaa!
mommy_wins: first day excitement
mommy_wins: "I have a locker! COOL!"
mommy_wins: Walking to the classroom
mommy_wins: tea, 2
mommy_wins: tea, 1
mommy_wins: Lego Land
mommy_wins: all that's left of the tower
mommy_wins: happy boy
mommy_wins: starting to turn
mommy_wins: More clouds & Milwaukee Art Museum
mommy_wins: clouds over Lake Michigan
mommy_wins: Chihuly’s sculpture (again)
mommy_wins: Close up of sculpture
mommy_wins: Chihuly’s blown glass sculpture
mommy_wins: avacado fries
mommy_wins: crab cake topped w/prosciutto...YUM.
mommy_wins: Michelle & Melisa
mommy_wins: More Calatrava
mommy_wins: More lines inside the Calatrava
mommy_wins: ...and up some more...
mommy_wins: Looking up...