collectmoments: main dining room
collectmoments: the fox
collectmoments: at dinner
collectmoments: under the stairway
collectmoments: livingston bar
collectmoments: st. mark's united methodist
collectmoments: Jim and Al
collectmoments: blurry gore
collectmoments: crystalline
collectmoments: Murphy's, Atlanta
collectmoments: rapt girl
collectmoments: dancing decorations
collectmoments: trio of sorbetti
collectmoments: mini pies
collectmoments: japanese maple
collectmoments: downtown on a brown grass hill
collectmoments: centered
collectmoments: looooong shadows
collectmoments: roasted chicken
collectmoments: cioppino
collectmoments: berries
collectmoments: hang the holiday rainbow lights in the garden
collectmoments: light in sky
collectmoments: sunset on the tower
collectmoments: at dusk
collectmoments: midtown view
collectmoments: forest of lights
collectmoments: symphonic