Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Oldsquaw
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Oldsquaw
Colin Clement Photography:
Oldsquaw rafting on Lake Ontario
Colin Clement Photography:
Squaws comin to Bills
Colin Clement Photography:
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Long Tailed Duck in Flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Ruler of the Roost
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Long Tailed Duck in Flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Long Tailed Drake
Colin Clement Photography:
The Chaos of the Sea
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Oldsquaw incoming
Colin Clement Photography:
Immature Long Tailed Duck Incoming
Colin Clement Photography:
Stretching Squaw
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Oldsquaw
Colin Clement Photography:
3 Drakes
Colin Clement Photography:
Long Tailed Pair in flight