Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
mallards in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Hen and Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Mallard straight overhead
Colin Clement Photography:
Hen and Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Hen and Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Colin Clement Photography:
Canvasbacks on the Niagara River
Colin Clement Photography:
Scaup incoming
Colin Clement Photography:
Canvasbacks on the Niagra River
Colin Clement Photography:
Canvasbacks on the Niagara River
Colin Clement Photography:
Hen and Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Widgeon in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Mallards in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Widgeon in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Redhead in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Hooded Merganser
Colin Clement Photography:
geese in love
Colin Clement Photography:
Ringnecks in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Ringneck Drake in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Ringnecks in Flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Canvasbacks and Teal in Flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Mallard in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Drake Bluebill Landing
Colin Clement Photography:
Ringneck duck Landing
Colin Clement Photography:
Scaup in flight
Colin Clement Photography:
Two Boys and a Girl
Colin Clement Photography:
Canvasbacks in flight