Colin's Camera: Coral hawkfish with fire coral.
Colin's Camera: Red sea anemonefish.
Colin's Camera: Spotfin lionfish on night-dive.
Colin's Camera: Blue triggerfish feeding on jellyfish.
Colin's Camera: Masked butterflyfish and Moorish idols on reef.jpg
Colin's Camera: Pair of masked butterflyfish on reef.
Colin's Camera: Glorious array of featherstars on rope.
Colin's Camera: Glorious array of featherstars on Rosalie Muller.
Colin's Camera: Anchored on coral reef.
Colin's Camera: Soft coral, tube sponge and featherstar.
Colin's Camera: Batfish with divers.
Colin's Camera: Spotfin lionfish on nightdive.
Colin's Camera: Leather sea urcin on disintergrating motorbike.
Colin's Camera: Crocodilefish lurking on Thistlegorm wreck.
Colin's Camera: Yellow-margin moray eel on Thistlegorm wreck.
Colin's Camera: Gorgonian fan encrusting hard coral.
Colin's Camera: Brown pufferfish on reef.
Colin's Camera: Blue-spotted ray.
Colin's Camera: Spanish dancer on night-dive.
Colin's Camera: Common lionfish hunting by the strobe-light.
Colin's Camera: Red sea anemonefish with bubble-tip anemone.
Colin's Camera: Various coral and sponges on reef.
Colin's Camera: Tube sponges on reef,
Colin's Camera: Fish and wreckage on Chrisoula K.
Colin's Camera: Fish shoal on Chrisoula K.
Colin's Camera: Cup coral opening on night-dive.
Colin's Camera: Reef fish in night-time colouration.
Colin's Camera: Moorish idol in night-time colouration.
Colin's Camera: Anthias on soft coral.
Colin's Camera: Leather sea urchin on night-dive.