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dublin dr.pepper
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indian summer
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old cigar shop
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main st.
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grapefest 2010
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Hello beautiful. Looks like a winner to me.
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Highlight of the weekend .... This is "firewood" we bought from an entrepreneurial 8 year old selling on a street corner. #wood #firewood
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Don't do it! It's a trick! Watch out for the sliiiddde!!!!
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Elsie. The Borden cow. XO.
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Fort Worth stock show. Woot!!
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Passed the course!!! Off to get my license this week. Crazy. #summerdreamin #suzukigz250 #cleartheroads
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Watch out world ... #summerdreamin #cleartheroads
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Lucky No.2 #suzukiGZ250 #LuckyNo.2
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Safety first. #safetyfirst
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Basic rider safety course this weekend. #motorcycles #suzuki250 #cleartheroads #summerdreamin
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First time to ride BuckCreek trails. Beginner mountain biking. | via @codyapp. #mountainbiking #pricklypearsuck