*** coleyB ***: go sisters go
*** coleyB ***: yeah chicago!!!
*** coleyB ***: go chicago!!
*** coleyB ***: ninjascott
*** coleyB ***: robbo is flexing all his muscles
*** coleyB ***: ready.....
*** coleyB ***: set.....
*** coleyB ***: another jump
*** coleyB ***: nin? what's going on here?
*** coleyB ***: spinning.....matrix like.....
*** coleyB ***: you do your thing, i'll do mine...
*** coleyB ***: ninja moves.
*** coleyB ***: how many feet are there?
*** coleyB ***: running.....on air....
*** coleyB ***: inspiration? woodland creatures.
*** coleyB ***: oohh....the secret....
*** coleyB ***: robbo with nice air.
*** coleyB ***: good extension...
*** coleyB ***: free falling
*** coleyB ***: rrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (in a pteradactyl like screech).
*** coleyB ***: laser eye beams, ninja moves, pointed toes.
*** coleyB ***: fireball throwing wizard............
*** coleyB ***: chillin'
*** coleyB ***: peter pan
*** coleyB ***: shot through the heart.
*** coleyB ***: nice one.