*** coleyB ***:
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Powerpuff girl makeup.... I know there's not really a purple powerpuff, but still ... Made with VicMan Visage Lab app #visagelab
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#powerpuffgirls Halloween 2014
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Big night out. :)
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A day in the park
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Dancing boots. #redboots #countrydancin
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Saturday night .... Rob Collins cocktails & sewing ... Just finished the polka dot organza skirt. #Flannelandorganza
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Friendship bracelet with a little extra bling. #bracelet #friendshipbracelet
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And a lace bow.
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Wednesday. 11 jan 12. #clothes #outfit #dress #sweater
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Monday. 12 dec 2011
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03 nov 2011. thursday.
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saturday. 21 may.
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saturday. 21 may.
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monday. 16 may 2011.
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sunday. 15 may 2011.
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sunday. 01 may 2011.
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Easter sunday. 24 april 2011.
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saturday. 09 april 11.
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friday. 01 april 11.
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27 march 11.
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06 march 2011. sunday. at the ballet.
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06 march. sunday. at the ballet.
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05 march 2011. saturday.
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05 march 2011. saturday.
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03 march 2011. wednesday night.
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practice outfit.
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02 jan 2011. sunday.
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31 dec 2010. happy new year!!