coleman_worthen: 'Kicking Horse' river
coleman_worthen: our ride
coleman_worthen: an afternoon walk
coleman_worthen: above camp 2
coleman_worthen: Disappearance
coleman_worthen: gendarmes
coleman_worthen: sunset @ 10 p.m.
coleman_worthen: misty mountain goodness
coleman_worthen: the summit of 'Redwing'
coleman_worthen: takin' it all in
coleman_worthen: camp 3 @ 'The Knob'
coleman_worthen: trekking
coleman_worthen: Ben Williams makin' turns
coleman_worthen: 'Dragons Back'
coleman_worthen: The 'Harley Valley'
coleman_worthen: Snout of the glacier
coleman_worthen: waterfalls
coleman_worthen: coleman @ river camp, day 13
coleman_worthen: water retrieval
coleman_worthen: climbing
coleman_worthen: from the summit
coleman_worthen: down couloir
coleman_worthen: homeward bound
coleman_worthen: the kitchen
coleman_worthen: tired & dirty, day 18
coleman_worthen: Meredith on day 23